Destination Organization Performance Reporting

Understand current organization funding, spending, trends, and performances of fellow destination organizations.

The Destination Organization Performance Reporting platform (formerly the Organization & Finance Profile Study) allows destination organization members of Destinations International to view and analyze structures, practices, trends and developments in key areas of interest for the industry.

The platform has added several new sections and KPIs:

  • Convention Sales & Services Section
  • Reworked Funding section from Civitas Advisors
  • Destination Metrics section

Take advantage of this unique and invaluable resource to assist in guiding the development, strategies and management of your destination organization.

Platform Login

How the Survey Works

  • To get started, download the Data Collection Worksheet to help you collect the necessary data ahead of time to get a head start with the questions. All data must then be entered within the platform.

  • Download the User's Guide for "how to" questions.

  • Enter the most recently completed financial year for your organization.

  • You may complete the survey over time, but be sure to click "Submit/Save" at the bottom of each page as you enter information.

Key Points

  • If you have previously participated in this platform, your information has been copied over and you need only update your information for your most recent completed financial year.

  • It is necessary to answer all required questions & progress to gain access to question-by-question comparisons and personalized results when released.

  • Not all questions apply to every organization. Please answer all questions that apply to your organization to ensure accurate and meaningful results.

  • For survey questions that do not apply to your organization, enter “n/a” where applicable to increase the percentage of questions answered. 

  • A currency conversion tool is provided in the survey if needed for your convenience.

Accessing the Results 

The reporting platform will now live as in always-on state, on a calendar basis. As long as you enter your data within the platform and are a destination organization member of Destinations International, you will enjoy complimentary access to compare your responses with other organizations, download personalized charts, and use filters to create comparative sets.

Questions and Support

If you have questions, please Reference the Support Page, accessed via a link in the upper right-hand corner of the platform website. If you are still in need of further assistance, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

About The Author

Andreas Weissenborn

Vice President of Research and Advocacy
Destinations International

Introduced to the world of destination organizations by a random internship application to Visit Baltimore (then known as Baltimore Area Convention & Visitors Association), Andreas Weissenborn began an unexpected career into hospitality that left him with a continued passion towards the tourism industry.

Weissenborn spent just short of 11 years with Visit Baltimore helping with its Research, Technology, and Information Systems across the organization. In 2017, he joined the Association on behalf of a Destinations International Foundation initiative to be a dedicated research source for Destinations International.

As part of his responsibilities, include supporting our core advocacy and research initiatives such as the community shared value, the tourism lexicon, the event impact calculator, and various reporting platforms, and our belief of destination promotion being a common good for the greater good.

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